Sunday, June 15, 2008

There's still some teenage boy in me.

Traditionally guys my age are supposed to start liking opera and only serious films. However I still really love to watch films like this one.

I know he's one dimensional but I like Jason Statham. I noticed both Transporter 3 and Crank 2 have shown up on the release schedule. I'm curious how they do Crank 2.

(Update- one of the comments made me realize I may not have made myself clear.
I want to watch this film, just like most teen-age boys, most guys my age would think it's too teen-agery.
-I don't like opera, except when used in films.

Update 2- I read a bit more about the film and now I'm a little disappointed. It's a remake in name only. In the original film the race took place out in the open country and the drivers received points based on things like how many pedestrians they hit, the older the better I think. I only remember one thing from that (Spoiler)- some doctors had put a bunch of old people out on the street to be hit by the drivers. One of the drivers veers off to hit the doctors instead.


Anonymous said...

i'd usually completely ignore a movie like this ... but this one looks so sick. and yeah, jason statham has been playing the same part for almost 10 years now, but at least he does it well...

i didn't watch crank or transporter 2 ... but i did hear that the plot for crank doesn't seem to make sense when you consider how the first one ended... but then again, something tells me people go see these movies for a decent/coherent plot and some solid dialogue...

Gaston said...

What are you saying? The movie seems awesome! It has to be seen! =D