Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Matinee question for parents or anyone who like matinees

I have a question about what time it would be best to run matinees at? The times for Shrek 3 were 2:00 and 4:15 which seemed to work well. However since I have no kids and know no one who has kids old enough to go to the movies I'd thought I'd ask if anyone think there is a better time.
Part of the reason I'm asking is for long movies. For Pirates 3 for example, it is almost 3 hours long with trailers. So I could run one matinee at 2 pm which seems about right but then I only get one matinee in. I could run 2 matinees but they would have to be at 12:15 and 3:30. Both seem non optimal since one runs through lunch and the other dinner.
Anyone have any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

how about 1-1:30 and 3:00?

Anonymous said...

how about 1-1:30ish and 3:00?