Next week had one of the largest numbers of available films but the choice wasn't too hard. I had already booked There Will Be Blood in and I only had to decide if there would be a late show. Because of the running length of Blood the late show would have to be at 10:15, really late for us.
These were available.
Jumper- bad movie I wouldn't have played anyway plus it was from Fox so they wanted all shows.
Doomsday- This was a fun movie that was better than I expected but not a film that would work at Western Film.
Definitely Maybe- I am going to play this film but I didn't want to play it as a late show. I'm planning to play it the following week unless Juno is available.
Semi-Pro- this was the only movie out of this group I thought could work as a late show. However I was iffy on playing it at all. I checked back on how Wil Ferrell's previous films had done at Western Film and it wasn't all that great and those films were hits! I decided not to play it at all.
So in the end I decided to play just one show of There Will Be Blood at 7pm.
The booker said Juno was close to coming off so it may play the following week.
After satiating my need to rewatch one of the year's biggest movies (No Country) I get to do it all over again with Blood... I've said this in numerous comments to many different posts, but i just loved this movie... PT Anderson never ceases to impress.
As for the other possible movies:
Jumper - prob. would have watched it cuz i watch virtually everything at Western Film, but would have had pretty low expectations.
Doomsday - same as above.
Definitely, Maybe - seen it, really cute (and i love ryan reynolds).
Semi Pro - Will Ferrell moved on from his super vulnerable character to his super cocky one (in sports flicks?) ... here's to hoping he comes up with a third character soon. But I wanna watch it anyway.
And I might just have to rewatch Juno...
I don't feel particularly attracted to watch this movie, but since it's the only one... Also, one of the guys of the group has faith in the director, so we will give it a chance next week anyway.
Are the chances of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly still looking good? I know Hyland already played it, but I'm sure it'll still attract a lot of attention, and those who already caught it will likely want to see it again.
The Diving Bell is still in holding pattern. My usual sense tells me the movie wouldn't do well but I've been wrong before. I was really surprised by how well The Kiterunner did.
It'll depend on when we get Juno. I may put Diving Bell in there somewhere. THe Hollywood stuff lately has been crap. If one looks at the 'will be playing' section of the status list on the coming soon page it's pretty darn small, the won't be playing is huge.
I rewatched Blood yesterday. And I suppose the most impressing thing of the night was how full the theatre was. Is it usually like that on Tuesdays or this time of term or is it just because everyone was waiting for this movie so badly?
As for the movie, the second time round I realized just how great PT Anderson's camera work is... This can be seen in his other movies too (esp. the opening shot of Boogie Nights - My favourite shot in the history of cinema)... anyway, put short: the man is a genius.
However, the movie didn't jump from a 9/10 to a 10/10 to me ... still, 9 is not bad.
There were 130 people in the Tuesday night showing of There will be Blood. The theatre actually holds 360 so it was only about 1/3 full! That's a little above average for a Tuesday. It was likely also busy because there was only the one show each night which would compress the audience rather than spreading it out over two.
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