The ads for this made it look like a standard scf-fi apocalypse thriller. The movie seemed to be composed of equal parts Mad Max and Escape From New York with a female lead. The Mad Max influence was so obvious and blatant the director must be a fan of the series. Normally I would assume he was a hack director but also did the movie The Descent, one of the genuinely scary flicks I've seen in a while.
Overall it was a fun action movie with occasional horror thrown in. It was better than I expected. The lead actresses Rhona Mitra probably has quite a future as an action heroine.
the trailer for this movie made it seem like every other one in the genre in recent years... and unfortunately this genre doesn't interest me in the least... somehow they all seem like resident evils to me (but then again i've never seen resident evil (and don't inted to)... but all the trailers look the same).
the only decent movie in the genre that i can remember was 28 days later... speaking of which - what's cillian murphy been up to? it seems like his last film with any publicity was 2005's batman begins. he will be back this year reprising his role in the dark knight, and hopefully 'hippie hippie shake' will give him a chance to show off some of that acting that i love him for - see 'breakfast on pluto'
Cillian Murphy was in Sunshine, from the same director as 28 days Later. It was a great little sci-fi movie that was overlooked in North America.
i thought of sunshine the minute i hit the 'publish your comment' button... and while i have seen a trailer for it, like you said: it was overlooked in north america... and i guess i ignored it too, seeing as sci-fi is definitely not my thing.
since you say it was 'great' i suppose i should take a look...
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