The first I heard about this film was when I checked into what films actor Steven Strait had coming up. I liked him in The Covenent. 10,000 BC sounded interesting and Roland Emmerich was directing. Emmerich has had a spotty career with both good and bad films, I think Independence day is one of the best popcorn movies ever made. Popcorn movies tends to mean big budget, special effects driven spectaculars. His movies tend to be big and loud without a lot of substance but usually exciting. I was expecting something similar from 10,000 BC.
It was fairly obvious Warner Bros was hoping for a hit similar to 300 from last year, same release date, same genre, similar marketing.
Unfortunately the movie sucked. It was almost boring, only had a couple big action sequences which were obviously computer generated, didn't make sense and even stole a couple scenes right out of 300!? Steven Strait did a fine job with what he was given to work with, he looked pretty good shirtless for most of the movie.
I'd love to see the outtakes from this, the dialogue was so corny I bet they had a lot of takes where the actors couldn't keep from laughing.
I don't think this will play at Western Film. Not just because I didn't like it but for a couple reasons.
-it's getting negative buzz
-these kind of action films don't tend to do great at Western Film even when they are hits and considered good.
I might play it if I have an opening in the schedule.
1 comment:
i'm not going to lie - when i saw the trailer for this i thought: "this is going to be one sick movie..." but after its release i just went on rottentomatoes.com and saw all the negative buzz which scared me. not that i usually decide whether or not to watch a movie based on rotten tomates - i usually avoid the site until i've watched the movie and then compare my thoughts to the critics'. however, when i'm poor, i can't afford to take chances, and this just happens to be my poorest month in canada yet so i had to let rotten tomatoes have a say in my decision... seems like this one will have to wait for a dvd release.
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