I was a little disappointed this week, I really wanted to get No Country For Old Men since it comes out on DVD. However it was still doing well enough that at least one first run theatre held it. We have played films (Walk The Line , Brokeback Mountain) after they were on DVD before and if it's something people want to see they will still come. No Country is a film that should be seen on the big screen. It will still play, hopefully the week after, I don't think I can not play it at this point with who knows how many people have been waiting for us to get it.

The current week I choose to play Atonement over There Will Be Blood, planning to play Blood next week if No Country wasn't available. Paramount Vantage decided to give the Hyland There Will Be Blood which I have no problem with. I had decided to play 27 Dresses over Blood for reasons similar to why I choose Atonement this week. Blood will still play but I'm not sure when.
One decision I didn't have to make was what to play for a late show if No Country had been available. I could have played two shows of No Country or kept Atonement for a late show. It would have been a tough call.
27 dresses... i don't know. if my girlfriend were with me i'd go for sure. thing is i'm a sucker for chick flicks... but i'm just not quite sure about this one. i'm still making up my mind.
as for no country and blood - it kills me with anxiety every time i walk past the posters and see them there with COMING SOON on them...
Next Thursday I'll be there to see '27 dresses'. I have seen worst movies before and I really don't think that this one is going to be specially bad anyway.
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