Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Next Week's Movies.

When I initially got in to the office I was told There will be Blood was available for sure and a couple others were still being checked on, I decided to wait until I found out about the others. While I was waiting I tried to decide what to do about a late show if I booked in There will Be Blood. It's very long so a late show would have to be at 10pm, pretty late for us. My original plan was to play Cloverfield as a late show after Blood but I ended up playing Cloverfield this week.

I decided to try a little experiment. I noticed we had a lot of students coming to Persepolis so I thought I would try it as a late show and see what happens. Generally the 'Art' shows only do well for the early show but I wondered how one a lot of students wanted to see would do.

It turned out Atonement was available so I booked it in instead of Blood for a couple reasons.

-it'll do better

-next playweek is one of the heaviest in terms of student workload. I figured more would come out for a two hour film than for a 3 hour really heavy film.

-I could play it for both shows, a late show of Atonement would do better than one of Persepolis.

My current plan is to play There Will Be Blood the following week followed by a late show of Atonement if it does as well as I think it will. This kinda depends on if No Country for Old Men is available. I hope I don't have to choose between No Country and Blood, it would be a tough call.


Anonymous said...

Regardless of whether Blood or No Country plays, I'm coming. I watched Blood recently and would never in a million years oppose to a second viewing.

As for Country, I watched it and thought it was "pretty good" but definitely not "best of the year" or even "the Coen bros' best"... which is why I need to see it again. Maybe second time round I'll understand all the hype.

Good choices.

Anonymous said...

To bee honest, I wasn't too keen on watching Atonement - the trailer looked rather uninteresting. I watched it anyway. In fact, I just got back from the movie:
first act - Beautifully done. Perfect.
second act - well done if not a little slow (the weakest part of the film).
third act - quite good, with a powerful ending.

all in all: a great movie - definitely deserved a director nomination (certainly more than jason reitman or tony gilroy - but that's a whole different story which would take me more space than a comment allows for.)

Good choice.