There was one new film available, Yes Man which I do plan to play but I thought I should play Seven Pounds as I'd been putting that off for two weeks. I could have played Yes Man as a late show after Seven Pounds but decided it would be better as an early show the following week.

Twilight did more in its' first two days than most films do all week so deciding to keep it for another week as the late show wasn't hard.
I expect something like Valkyrie will be available to play as a late show with Yes Man. Thankfully all the big Oscar films have finally opened in London First Run so they can start bouncing around for a month or so and hopefully we will get at least some before exams start.
1 comment:
Hi !-
i hadnt gotten a chance to watch twilight wen it first came out last yr and i FINALLY watched it yesterday and it was fabb !! thanx so much for playing it at Western Film !! in fact i liked it so much and even the quality was fab given that it wasnt an actual theatre that i'm gonna watch it again this week-
I have a question- hu/how do u decide which movie plays ? can any1 make a request/recommendation ?
also- how are u about playing foreign language, say indian, films ??
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