Had a thought while I was cleaning up after the movie tonight. There was a bit of a problem with a talker during the show. You know how TV shows with audiences have the Applause sign that lights up when they want the audience to clap? It occurred it would be nice to have a sign beside the screen that lit up and said 'quiet please'. We could turn it on when someone talks.
We could even have one with graduated levels for various types of talkers. It would go something like this:
Quiet Please
No Talking.
Shut Up.
Shut the F^%k up.
Think it would work?
Would you allow professors who lecture in the room to use this sign?
Maybe get a special bullhorn/megaphone with which to speak only to the individual causing the distrubance.
I'd let the professors use it, for a fee...
Personally I would love a speech seeking Killer-Laser system.
The talking at WesternFilm seems to be a bigger issue than anywhere else, and this is true especially during the previews. Sure, the actual movie isn't playing yet, but there are people who want to watch the previews without the VERY loud chatter going on around them. I noticed that WesternFilm doesn't turn down all the lights until the feature film starts and I feel that is contributing to the problem.
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