Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A first and harbringer of things to come.

A couple weeks when I tried to book FLOW, a documentary about water use and privatization, it wasn't available. There was only one 35mm print for the entire country and it was out West. For the first time the studio offered a DVD or Digital print of the movie. A Digital print is one that can be played on the very expensive digital video projector all theatres will be converting to over the next few years. 35mm film is going to get scarcer.
We do have the ability to show DVDs fairly nicely in the theatre but nowhere near as nice as the film presentation and I don't believe in charging for a lesser presentation. For a movie like FLOW it wouldn't have made a big difference since it didn't exactly need a big sound system or have a lot of special effects.
I'll be doing some more posts on digital in the near future.

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