I'm taking a Pop Culture course at Western which I find quite interesting. Most people think of Pop Culture as mostly Tv, Movies and Music. It includes other stuff such as fashion as well. However being the movie guy I am I tend to think of pop culture as mostly movies, music and TV.
I had a interesting little mental discussion the other night. I was trying to think of who would be the single most influential person on Pop Culture? I'm curious what your thoughts are. I'll post who I think it is in a few days. A couple qualifiers.
I'm thinking of all time not just current. If anyone says Britney Spears I'll have what they used to call a coniption fit.
It can be anyone, a writer, actor, tycoon, King, Queen, musician, street mime.
Just as an example, if you were doing the same exercise for psychiatry I would think the answer would be Freud.
It saddens me to say it, but I think the answer has to be Oprah ... With her school in South Africa and how tight she is with Barack Obama, her influence just keeps growing every day . you can't stop her . hell, you can't even hope to contain her .. No. 2 would be Bill Gates, to me
Probably Matt Groening, et al., for teaching Gen-X and Millenarians about pop culture again and again and again.
I recall someone saying once that it was Orson Welles for what "Citizen Kane" wrought with film and television. Someone else, though, said that what with the number of times that "the Simpsons" has riffed on "CK" that it'll be an on-going revelation and remembrance for Groening's fans when they start watching Welles.
And if it ain't Groening then it's Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel. Think of all the comics that followed Superman's introduction... and all the movies that have comic-book sensibilities... and all the TV show creators nowadays that draw upon mythos and character they learned from "the funnies..." ...and try not to think of all the songs with "Superman" in them.
This is a toughy -- I would say part of influential pop culturism would include people who have been a part of pop culture for a long time. You know the ones who started back in the seventies and are still coming back now and again with chart toppers (we're talking music here obv) I want to say that one of the biggest people who seem to be rocking the pop culture right now is Beyonce -- I personally am not a fan -- but we're talking clothing, perfume, music, movies -- unfortunatly I can't go anywhere without hearing the name. I also agree with Oprah for sure!
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