Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A new trend in movie trailers or a blip?

The Devil Wears Prada had an interesting trailer. Rather than the usual edit of scenes from the movie it was basically one long scene of the two main characters meeting. I'm not aware of any other trailer that was one scene until now.

The new trailer for Rise of the Silver Surfer AKA Fantastic Four 2 is basically one chase scene between The Silver Surfer and Johnny Storm. It's quite effective and surely made me want to see the movie.

I wonder if future trailers may follow this format. Hopefully we'll get away from trailers like these:

- Comedies with all the funny parts in the trailers. (Man of the Year)
- trailers that basically outline the plot of the movie including the ending (The Holiday)
- trailers that mislead what genre the movie belongs to. One example that's always bugged is a movie called Home Fries with Drew Barrymore and Luke Wilson. The trailer made it look like a romantic comedy but when I saw it it turned out to be a somewhat vicious little black comedy. I normally like black comedy but I wasn't in the mood for it that night.

At least trailers have improved over time. Western Film used to have a 35 mm trailer for Bladerunner. It was about 4 minutes long and didn't make much sense. No wonder the movie bombed in it's original release.

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