Thursday, January 25, 2007

Next Week's Movies

Sorry for the delay in doing this post. My new computer died rather spectacularly and I usually do the posts at home since I never seem to have time at work.

Next week was a bit of a hard choice.

Eragon (Fox -full shows) - no way.
Good Shepherd
Bring back Borat since it did so well.

I'm not sure about Apocalypto but decided to bring it in and keep Borat as an alternate.
I didn't know until I booked it that The Good Shepherd is almost 3 hours long! Apocalypto runs at 10:05, the latest we've ever run a regular movie. Most of the time I would have just played one show of Shepherd. There's only about one more week before the students start getting busy again so I wanted to play 2 movies.
The one thing that sucks is both movies are long. Apocalypto won't end until about 12:35. This really screws up the Friday Midnight movie Sin City, it won't be able to start until 12:45. I was expecting a good crowd for that one but now I don't know.

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