Western Film is UWO's on-campus Movie Theatre, owned and operated by the University Student's Council. This blog is dedicated to discussions about movies, movie theatres and the film business in general. Your host for the evening will be James Waite, the Western Film Co-ordinator and lifelong movie buff.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
This looks interesting.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Midnight Movies so far update

Next Week's movie Oct 15 - 21

Sometimes I think we should play this trailer before each movie.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
3D Discrimination - Jackass 3.
I just found out that anyone who can't play Jackass 3 in 3D has to wait 3 weeks before they can play it in 2D. 3D runs open Oct 15th but 2D runs open Nov 5th. This is new, up til now 2D always opened the same day as 3D. Yet more discriminatory practices against smaller theatres that can't afford the $100,000+ it takes to convert one screen to 3D.
I think they are doing this because more and more people are choosing 2D screenings over 3D because it's cheaper when given a choice. They are attempting to make more people pay the 3D surcharge as most admissions for any movie are in the first two weeks. However this movie is actually shot in 3D, not converted, and is probably one of the films that the 3D will be beneficial. Although I'm not looking forward to what they 'throw' or 'point at' the audience, I imagine gross substances and body parts not normally seen on screen will be involved.
It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. I don't think Western Film will play the movie anyway, we'll see how it does.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Midnight Movies return.

That's not the case any more.
The USC has invested in a new, high end video projector for the McKellar room for Western Film to use as well as other users of the room. It isn't a Digital Projector like some theatres use, those are still about $100,000. One of the main reasons I listed in my business case for buying the projector was the possibility of bringing back Midnight movies and playing them on video. People still ask about midnight movies all the time.
So now we can play the films off a DVD or Bluray. The new projector makes an image almost as good as the film projector and fills most of the screen.
Now we can play anything available that we can get the rights for. We can also play some movies that were never available on film in Canada such as Donnie Darko.
There's still some movies we can't play. Fox and George Lucas have all the Star Wars films out of service which means we aren't allowed to play them.
The most requested film is Rocky Horror but it's too messy to play in our nicely renovated theatre.
I've booked the first few films, however as of this writing only Holy Grail is confirmed so the list may change. I'm having trouble finding who owns the Canadian theatrical rights to Evil Dead, it's not the same as who owns the DVD rights which is unusual.
Now hopefully people show up. I'll be quite embarrassed if I've talked this series up to get them to invest in the new projector and not many people show up.
In the previous series we had more than 100 people show up for a few of the movies, however almost all of them were the movies with horrible prints. (Shining, Clockwork Orange)
If anyone has any suggestions please e-mail or leave them in the comments. However, take note, I reserve the right to ignore suggestions. I kept track of the movies suggested before, one of the most requested films, Taxi Driver, has one of the lowest attendances. I've had 4 people suggest a movie called The Room which I had never heard of. Since three of those requests arrived in one day I suspect one person had his or her friends request it as well. I'll embed the trailer below. Anyone think I should play it?
I'm a sucker for this kinda film...
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Next couple weeks films. Sep 3- 16
Here's some of the films that came available.
A-Team- from Fox so couldn't split, this movie wasn't worth playing by itself.
Knight and Day- also Fox and even less worth playing by itself.
If we had been open the three weeks I would have asked Fox if we could play both movies the same week, they will usually split with their own movies. Now better movies are available so I won't be playing either one.
Predators- Fox, no splits but probably wouldn't have played it anyway.
The Last Airbender - no words are needed.
Sorcerer's Apprentice. If we had been open I might have played it just to fill space but now I don't need to. It was a fun movie, I don't think it deserved the horrible death it got.
For re-opening I ended up booking The Girl Who Played With Fire. I'd rather have reopened with a big movie like Inception but it wasn't available. Also I wanted to play Girl before school started as a lot of the non-students stop coming during the first couple weeks of school. The other movie I reopened with was Grown Ups.
For Frosh Week I booked Twilight Eclipse and Dinner For Schmucks. Twilight isn't the best Frosh Week movie as mostly only the girls will go. Dinner For Schmucks is good for anyone.
For the last part of Frosh Week I booked Toy Story 3 and Salt, both good films. I wanted to play matinees of Toy Story but the theatre was already booked by someone else. Not an issue I would have had to worry about if we had got it before school started.
Renovations complete!
The new seats are more comfortable than the old ones and have higher backs. The cupholders were delayed for some reason but are supposed to be installed soon.
The floor is now vinyl, not the prettiest things to look at but much easier to clean than carpet considering how much stuff is spilled in the theatre.
The new video projector hasn't come in yet. I'm looking forward to seeing the image it puts out. We are bringing back the midnight shows on video as a result.
Going to be an interesting year...
Thursday, July 29, 2010
This trailer make no sense but looks cool.
Next Week's films Jul 30 - Aug 5

Bollywood Films.
I tried to put on Bollywood films myself a couple times but I didn't know how to market to the proper community.
The basic problem is we have to wait 2-3 weeks after the films have been released in order to play them. We have to wait until a theatre in Toronto is done with a print before we can show it. The piracy is so bad on Bollywood films they are basically dead by the time we can show them.
I do find it frustrating as I'm constantly being asked to show Bollywood films but then not enough people show up when we do. Piracy is a two way street, if people are willing to watch the pirated versions then theatres won't be able to play them.
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Next Week's Films Jul 9 - 15

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Now accepting Debit and Credit Cards (at the Snack Bar)

Next Week's Movies Jul 2- 8

Helen Mirren with a Machine Gun?!
Next Week's movies Jun 25 - Jul 1 - a little late.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
I wish I could play this before every Film.
I found this video on the web. I'd like to show it every night before the films but the numerous regulars that come often would probably get sick of it.
Let me know what you think...
Cinema Etiquette from Damien Ferland on Vimeo.
Cool TRON stuff

The sequel comes out Dec 17 and the trailer makes it look amazing. I hope it lives up to it.
I found these videos of a couple of cool-tie-in Toys that are also coming out. The remote control car actually drives up the wall?!
Check out the videos and then the trailer if you haven't already.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Next Week's Film Jun 18 - 24

That was Close...

Friday, June 11, 2010
Upcoming changes at Western Film.

I'm Back...
I had set myself the goal of posting each day but sometimes didn't have time so got frustrated and basically stopped altogether.
I realized i missed writing the posts and have had a few people comment that I should start again which implies someone is reading.
So I'm going to start again but not give myself any kind of preset number of posts and just do them as I can. I'll at least do the Next Week's Movies posts as those are probably interesting.