"The Indonesian government has blocked access to YouTube after the video-sharing website refused to remove the anti-Koran film Fitna, produced by Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders. The film cites passages in the Koran that it says incites violence, anti-Semitism, and hate among followers. However, the British tech site The Inquirer reported today (Friday) that "the Indonesian government [doesn't] seem to have quite mastered the art of censorship just yet, as Indonesians subscribing to the country's largest telecom company ... were still able to access YouTube." Even as the action against YouTube was being announced, protesters gathered outside the Dutch embassy in Jakarta, carrying placards calling for Wilders's death. Meanwhile, the Rotterdam Times reported today that the Dutch government is providing "the highest possible level of protection" for Ehsan Jami, founder of the Committee for Ex-Muslims, who last year made some of the same charges against the Koran that Wilders did in his movie."
Just my two cents, I've been hearing about this for a while and nobody seems to have stated what seems obvious to me. Dutch TV wouldn't show the film due to fears of violence, an American ISP refused to host it because of death threats against their employees. As it says above some want the director killed. Another Dutch filmmaker was already killed by a Muslim extremest.
Don't all these reactions and fear of reactions prove the point of film?
I thought the same thing as I read about it... And all this just serves as great publicity for the film, as it has definitely sparked an interest in me to watch it.
And I'm sure this is going to be an exceptionally dangerous movie, because it will probably give a biased one-sided view of the issue (as do virtually all documentaries) to people who don't really know much about the issue in the first, and so are likely to take it all for the ultimate truth.
as an example, watch Zeitgeist ( - he says so much about Christianity that I am so tempted to believe, but I want to hear the other side of the story before making any decisions....
I guess documentaries on touchy subjects always are dangerous if people don't watch them with a critical point of view.
Don't let the action of a few extremists form your whole opinion on a religion.
Skepticism should be on the surface of your brain when watching any documentary.
I'm not sure if I got my point across. It's not the content of the film that matters, it's the way it'e being perceived and reacted to. I would imagine most of the people making death threats haven't seen the film.
They are proving the concept of the film, their first reaction to the very existence of the film is to call for violence. The film is having trouble being seen because everyone is afraid of the violent reaction it may cause, again proving the concept of the film.
I try not to let my impression of a religion be affected by some extremists but when people riot over a cartoon in a newspaper?
A cartoon in a newspaper? That insulted over a billion people. It was a form of idolatry according to Islam and that is forbidden. This is a different story.
The extremists do not prove the concept of the film because they do not speak for all Muslims and certainly not for the Quran itself. Killing of innocent people is a sin in Islam. These are the things that are clearly stated in the Quran.
Clearly those who made the film have not done their research and those who judge all Muslims based on a few who reacted in the wrong way need to do their own research.
Unfortunelty it's the extremists that get the attention. I often wonder if similar views are formed in the Muslim world by Christian extremists that kill abortion doctors or picket funerals of soldiers. I haven't seen the film but I would assume it refers to the extremists interpertation. Wasn't there a story a bit ago about the meaning of a word about how a man could treat a woman? I think the news said that word had multiple meanings. I suppose it's like the bible and most literature and can be interpreted differently.
BTW I'm going to end this post as it's getting too far away from the subject matter but I did want to say I'm not anti-Islam. I'm not much into the concept of religion in any form. Religion in any form is used to justify too many nasty things.
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