This week was a little scary to book. There were few films available. I almost had to play 10,000 BC just to fill in a slot. Usually when I have an empty slot I pull something out of reserve but I don't have anything left but films I didn't plan to play. Often I'll replay something we did well with but everything we did well with recently has come out on DVD.

I put in Fool's Gold for the late show.
I asked about The Diving Bell and the Butterfly about Wednesday last week. There weren't any prints available until May 2 so I booked it in for that week. I hope it does well, my gut says it won't and I'm usually right. However I have been wrong before.
I'm waiting on The Other Bolyen Girl and Be Kind Rewind, maybe Run FatBoy Run. If those aren't available for the following week I might have to get creative. 10,000 BC might work as a late show exam study break film but again my gut says it won't.
In Bruge looks like some harmless fun... and fool's gold... meh, i like chick flicks but this one doesn't look too good. but i liked hitch, so hopefully this director can make it half-decent.
The Other Boleyn Girl - I think Eric Bana is one of the least talented actors to ever make it big. I am not a fan of Scarlett Johansson - i think she's pretty bad herself. Natalie Portman is great, but her choices lately have been a little dodgy. I'm hoping that this movie won't suck just because of Portman. Love her.
Be Kind - been waiting a million years to see it. I love Gondry. Love Jack Black... two together could make magic. Or crap (as was the case with Black + Stiller = Envy = crap). Still... I trust Gondry.
Fatboy - cute, not too funny... as it compares to other movies, maybe 6/10. Once you have knowledge that it's a Simon Pegg co-written script: 0/10. He could do A LOT better than that, as was seen with Spaced (one of the best British tv shows ever), Shaun, and Fuzz.
last night i did the double feature.
In Bruges: the trailer does not do it justice. i laughed out loud so many times... what a good, fresh take on comedy. Every scene involving violence is laugh out loud funny. Now, all we have to do is hope Martin McDonagh keeps up this standard with any future movies, because it is becoming all too common to see promising first-timers make a beautiful first film and then follow it up with crap... but then again, you do have more time to make your first one. As for Colin Farrell: I've never seen him so good. Hilarious.
Fool's Gold: I went in with the lowest of expectations and not even that could prepare me for the lame excuse for a movie that I had to sit through. I think uncertainty marks this movie. Primarily as to what genre they were trying to fit in: it wanted to be a romantic-comedy/adventure mix but it lacked both the romance and the comedy (every joke seemed as if it were aimed at 10 year olds). As for the adventure - the most adventurous thing about it was the cliche music. The second, and very notable instance of uncertainty comes from Ray Winstone's accent. He used to be a respectable accent (see 'Sexy Beast') but with the recent Beowulf (which was marked by all the clever devices used to cover his junk since he inexplicably insists on fighting in the nude) and this piece of turd, one can only wonder what's happened to the Englishman. In this film his accent jumps and forth between British, standard American and southern American and there were probably a few other accents in there I didn't pick up on.
All in all:
In Bruges - 9/10
Fool's Gold - 0/10
wow.... just saw my last post and realized that instead of saying winstone was once a respectable actor, i called the man an accent. just in case anyone reads/cares.
ray winstone is not an accent, he is indeed a man. a man who acts. an actor.
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