Friday, August 10, 2007

Movie Review - Hot Rod

This review will be short. Hot Rod was over-the-top and ridiculous but really funny at times. I wasn't expecting much because I thought the trailers were a little weak and might contain all the funny stuff. However the film was quite funny in places. Some of the bits went on a little too long and some just plain didn't make sense. The filmmakers had their tongues firmly planted in their cheeks.

I don't think the film will play at Western Film. It's a 'small' film and isn't really aimed at the crowd we get.

Trivia Contest: I have a Hot Rod tank top I received at ShowCanada to give away. The first person who leaves a comment saying what movie gets an extended parody scene in Hot Rod wins it. I'll update the post in a few days with the answer if no one posts it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it eight mile?