I did an earlier post about this film. The subject was how different the regular and R-rated trailers made the movie look. When I first saw the regular trailer I though the movie looked bad. Then I saw the R rated version on the Internet and the movie looked a lot funnier. Now I know why, because 95% of the funniness in the movie couldn't be shown in a regular trailer.
Superbad was one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long while. If you thought Knocked Up was raunchy then you ain't seen nothing yet. Superbad was really raunchy, it probably wins or comes close to #1 in a contest to fit the most swear words in a movie.
It was similar to Knocked Up but a more juvenile sense of humour. It took me a while to get interested but the high school types around me seemed to love it. There were a few segments that were really, really funny. It was also one of those movies where you miss parts because people are still laughing at the previous stuff.
I will say I though some of the jokes went a little too far. I would imagine some of the women in the audience were uncomfortable with some of the jokes and I wasn't crazy about the gay jokes either.
This will be playing at Western Film in a month or so.
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