I noted in an earlier post that I had noticed the popcorn seasonings shakers seemed to be disappearing from Cineplex and Famous Players. Both theatre chains are owned by the same company. The replacement is the small packet you see in the pic. The CD is there for scale purposes. The packet is only about half full so it's not a huge amount of seasoning. You get one packet for free but they charge 50 cents for any extra packets.
I'm curious why they did this. The seasonings are expensive but not that bad. I think many people would use less to compensate for the ones who use a lot. I suppose they'll make more money if a lot of people buy the extra packet.
2 other things come to mind.
To me this would make for a dirtier theatre. With shakers in the lobby most of the seasoning mess is on the counter or the floor. With these packets people will be shaking the seasonings on in their seats, unavoidably leading to more getting spilled on the seats.
The packets have the standard nutrition info on them. I assume they had to put it on there since the product was now packaged. I had never seen nutritional info on seasoning, pretty freaky, that little package contains 61% of the sodium (salt) that a person is supposed to have in one day. By the time you add the salt on the popcorn I bet you are over 100%.
No to mention the excess waste those little packets are making...completely unecessary!
Cineplex is tired of refilling the shakers since the turnover rate is hate in movie theatres.
Just tried one last night. The sodium information scared the cr*p out of me me and I only used 1/10th of a packet when I normally would use the whole thing (and maybe more). After reading that, who would want to shake that stuff on buttery popcorn?
you're all making me really hungry
The packets at least are higher quality than the old shakers. The theatres were really starting to "water down" the seasoning by just adding plain old salt to the shakers. It was getting out of hand. Since when is BBQ seasoning white???
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