Thursday, April 20, 2006

Personal appearance by a director at UWO?

There has been some talk about bringing a Director into UWO as a speaker. Naturally the ones most people would be interested in seeing cost more to bring in. My question is this:

Would you be willing to pay about $20.00 to see a Director in person?
If so which ones?
These are some of the names that have been mentioned.

Kevin Smith
Spike Lee
Wes Craven
Ivan Reitman
David Cronenburg

BTW Don't bother mentioning Spielburg, Tarantino, Scorsese or any of the really big name guys, we couldn't afford them.

So leave your comments or suggestions, I'm curious what people say.


Anonymous said...

This is an interesting idea. Given my limited knowledge about film, a student director (WUFS club rep?) would be just as educational for me as a big name.

Idea: bring in a student to talk about her or his own short film and screen it, maybe before the first set of trailers get run one night.

Were you thinking about the guest speaker as a pre-show talk? Or as a special event offered in place of the early show, or in a different room during the early show?

WesternFilm said...

We were thinking more along the lines of a seperate event in a larger venue.
I'm a little leery on doing anything before our regular movies. I don't think it's fair to make the audience watch a talk by someone they may have no interest in.
WUFS hasn't been much interested in doing anything with Western Film. Maybe we are too 'commercial' for them.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see Kevin Smith. He is very smart and extremely hillarious. All tickets would definitely sell out!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree that Kevin Smith would be the best. I know a ton of people that would definitely pay (at least) $20 to see him. Tickets would be sold out in no time! This is an awesome idea...keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

KEVIN SMITH to the extreme

Anonymous said...

Definitely Kevin Smith...there would be huge interest for it.