Monday, April 03, 2006

Du'oh The Simpson's movie! and Slither.

I haven't seen it but there is a very short trailer for the Simpson's movie in front of ICE AGE. As a huge fan of the Simpson's I might have to go see Ice Age now. The movie doesn't come out until Jul 27 2007 so I'll have to wait a while for the movie. I hope it's worthy of the big screen. South Park pulled it off so I don't see why the Simpson's shouldn't be able to.

I went to see Slither last night. I like comedy/horror movies. I found it fun to watch if somewhat hokey. It was referencing a lot of older horror movies. The main character, the Sheriff, played by Nathan Fillion, has some good one-liners. Fillion also starred in Serenity and is Canadian so he gets extra points in my book. Too bad it's the first horror movie this year so far to bomb it's first weekend.

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