I try hard to make sure the Frosh know Western Film is here. Every so often I'll hear a 2nd or third year student say they didn't know we were here?! I can understand never having come to see a movie but I don't understand how anyone on campus can not know we exist. We have big signs outside, display cases with movie posters and other posters throughout campus.
I kept Ted for a second week as it is a great Frosh Week movie, popular, funny, and a good break from the chaos of frosh week. I try to have a guy movie and a girl movie for frosh week. Ted is basically a guy movie although most girls like it as well. I was hoping to play Brave for the other movie but it's not available yet so I brought Magic Mike back.

There wasn't anything new to pick from anyway.
The following week will probably be Total Recall and something else. I think my choices may be limited as I don't see a lot of movies that might come available so it might be another week of Ted.
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