The Midnight Movies will return as of Sept 16th. The series last year did quite well and turned a profit. If anyone is actually reading this and has any suggestions please e-mail them to wfilm@uwo.ca . A lot of the films will be the same ones we played last year but I want to try some new ones, especially to replace the movies that bombed last year.
I am curious to know which movies / types of movies did not do well as it will help with the suggestions that I may make.
Also, glad to see the blog updated again. I do read it regularly and enjoy your posts about the movies you play (why or why not) and your posts about your insights about movie industry. Keep up the good work!
Most of the movies we played last year did well with the exception of Notebook, Eternal Sunshine, and Office Space. The big surprise was V For Vendetta which was the most attended midnight film except for the showings of The Room. The other ones that did best were the classic cult films like the Kubrick films and Monty Python.
hi, you guys are doing an absolutely amazing job by bringing in good, recent movies. Your ticket price "rocks". Keep the good work going. It would be nice to see more late night shows soon. Try bringing some top Bollywood movies too. Touch base with the very large Indian community and organise special shows. This will generate lots of profit for you.
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