I don't know if this movie is going to get a Canadian release, probably not, but I'd go see it.
Western Film is UWO's on-campus Movie Theatre, owned and operated by the University Student's Council. This blog is dedicated to discussions about movies, movie theatres and the film business in general. Your host for the evening will be James Waite, the Western Film Co-ordinator and lifelong movie buff.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Midnight Movies so far update

We've only done three midnight films but all have done quite well so I'm optimistic the series will work.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail did about 70 people and they quite a few bought snacks.
The Shining did about 53 people but they bought more snacks and the dollar total was almost the same as Holy Grail.
I expected it to do less but Princess Bride did the best with about 85 people and a ton of snack bar sales.
So far each movie has done more than double what it needed to break even. This is good as some of the later movies may not break even. As long as the series as a whole doesn't lose money I can keep doing it.
This week is Clockwork Orange which I expect to do about the same as The Shining.
I purposely front loaded the schedule with the obvious Cult films to give the series a kick start, after Clockwork we get into some movies that are less obvious and I'll be curious to see how they do. I'll also be watching carefully what does well to help decide what to book for next term.
I'm still taking requests at wfilm@uwo.ca.
Next Week's movie Oct 15 - 21

I had already booked in Inception to start on the 15th. It was available last week but I had already booked Eat Pray Love. I think Inception will do well, we've been waiting for it for a while.
My only decision was whether to play a late show next week. Inception is so long a late show would have been at 10pm, really late for us. Only certain movies will work that late, generally movies aimed only at younger people. Scott Pilgrim might have worked but I had already played it for two weeks. I considered bringing back Toy Story 3 since it was popular and is short so it wouldn't end too late at night. I decided not to. I also briefly considered playing Inception for two shows a night. I think it's popular enough to do so but the late show wouldn't finish until 12:45 which is after the last buses. It would also mess up the Friday Midnight movie.
Let Me In turned out to be available for next week. I wasn't expecting it to come off so fast. I considered playing it after Inception but decided I should wait for a week when I can play it earlier. I don't get a lot of movies that are good late shows so I wanted to make the best of it. Let Me In is basically a horror film but has enough other elements that it might play well at Western Film. It got good word of mouth as well. It may tank but it seems worth the risk.
So in the end Inception is playing by itself at 7pm.
Let Me In will be the late show the following week. I'm not sure what to expect for the early show.
Sometimes I think we should play this trailer before each movie.
Let's just say occasionally I find things up in the back row I don't want to touch after the movie.
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