I had already booked Burn After Reading in so I knew what the early show would be. The question was what the late show would be. It ended up being one of those annoying weeks with tough choices to make. There were some good films available but I didn't think they would make good late shows. Movies that appeal to adults as well as students usually need to be the early show. For the most part only students come to the late shows.

The Duchess.- Another film that needs to be an early show. I've tentatively slotted this into the week after Religulous. I didn't book it in in case something more interesting comes available.
I still needed to make a choice for the late show. There were two possibles.
My Best Friend's Girl- I've been changing my mind about whether to play this or not. It's kinda a cross between a romantic and a raunchy comedy. I usually have a reading on how I think any film will do and this one I'm getting nuthin'. I decided to try it and see what happens. It's playing at 9:00. My guess is it will do somewhere between 'okay' and 'bad' but it would be a nice surprise if it does 'good' or better.
Lakeview Terrace - I normally wouldn't play this kind of mid-range thriller but it did okay and stars Samuel L. Jackson. It's tentatively slotted into the late show after Religulous but I won't cry if something better comes available.
if people at western have any movie taste at all and are not completely ignorant oafs, the early should should make you enough to last through til the end of the year... but we all know that's not the case.
burn is now my favourite coens movie (granted, i still need to watch fargo), but it was a display of perfect performances, hilarious writing, and the wonderful coen way of directing. it is the best movie of this year (dark knight and wall-e are close seconds) and it had a ridiculously short run in theatres.
i love the coens and i love this movie.
Play Lakeview Terrace! It's gotten great attention, not just for being a thriller but for being fresh and challenging. I've been waiting for it!
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