I saw this post on Cinematical today and couldn't resist linking to it. I've done the same thing as the author. There are films I've refused to watch until I could see them on the big screen. I'd never seen Wizard of Oz in it's entirety until they re-released it a few years ago. I had never seen Lawrence of Arabia until the old New Yorker theatre played it. I still haven't seen the Sound of Music to the disbelief of everyone I know.
This is one of the reasons I'm looking forward to the switch to digital projection. These old films will probably be converted to whatever format the new projectors use and we can finally see them as they should be seen. The few 35mm prints of most of these films left in Canada are pretty much unwatchable. It's too expensive for the studios to make new 35mm prints but digital copies are a lot cheaper.
Some films I've seen but would love to see on the big screen again.
Grease 2
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Star Wars ( Lucas would probably nix this one)
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Moulin Rouge
The Lost Boys
The Goonies
Fifth Element
The Abyss- the original version is the only one available on film here. I'd travel far to see the Directors Cut on the big screen. It's way better than the original version.
Anyone else have movies they want to see on the big screen?
I usually prefer watching every movie in the big screen. I just like it. =)
You ACTUALLY said Grease 2?
OK, you've already listed some of mine, but here are some more:
Blackhawk Down (first & only time I saw this in a theatre was at WF and it was jaw-dropping)
Die Hard (although I have seen this on the big screen maybe 15 times already!)
North By Northwest
Apocalypse Now
MegaForce (hey, you put Grease 2)
I have to put my vote in for Moulin Rouge as well. I saw that movie six times on the Big Screen and it is still a dream of mine to see it like that once again.
*sigh* come what may.
Hey, I love Grease 2 for some weird reason.
I tried to book Moulin Rouge for the Midnight series Western Film used to run but it was out of service.
I didn't have much interest in seeing Moulin Rouge but when it came to Western Film I loved it, must have been bad marketing. The song over the end credits is one of my favorite songs now.
As a sidenote, I almost didn't book Moulin Rouge as it hadn't done well first run. It ended up being one of our highest grossers that year.
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