There is a 5 disc DVD set for Blade Runner coming out in December. It includes all the versions of the film including the newest and final version. It includes some digital cleanup of wires and stuff and some scenes were re shot. Most notably the scene where Joanna CassidyAKA the Snake Lady is running away from Deckard. Joanna came back to reshoot some scenes that in the original film it was pretty obvious was a stunt double.
Blade Runner is one of the seminal films of all time. In my film classes it was discussed all the time. I've seen it about 8 times.
To promote the new release the film was released in two theatres in the US, one in LA, one in NY. That was all that was planned initially. The business was astronomical. I heard these showings were digital prints only not 35mm.
Based on how well it did a further roll out was decided on. If you look at the official site there's bookings up until February which is interesting since the DVD comes out Dec 18th.
There is one reason for this. Blade Runner is one of those films that just has to seen on the big screen, the amount of detail and spectacle is astounding.
Initially there were no plans to release it theatrically in Canada but there was enough interest they have brought in 2 prints.
Warner specifically asked if we would be interested in playing it. I honestly don't know how well it would do but I'm willing to take the risk. Maybe I can get the film department to help push it.
I told Warner we would play it in November or early December. After that the students will be busy studying for exams or leaving. Since there's only two prints they may want to play through the bigger cities first.
The interesting question is whether to play it after Christmas and the film has come out on DVD. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
Please, please play Blade Runner. I missed out on the chance to see it on a big screen. I'd pay $20 to see it on a big screen (although I'd prefer the usual $4.25).
We used the film in our English class so I think there may be a lot of student interest.
I'd love to see Blade Runner on the big screen.
I guess many people would be interested in see it. For sure, I am.
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