Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Next Week's Movies

Next week was easy to book. There were only two movies available, both of which I had planned to play.

Hairspray- I expect this to do well, some people seemed to love it, other didn't, one of those weird films.

Rush Hour 3- I'm curious about this one as it was highly anticipated but didn't do as well as hoped.

Stardust wasn't available yet which I find surprising, especially since it opened before Rush Hour. I wasn't sure whether to play it but I think I probably will. It's got legs as they say in the biz.

My booker was also checking on Harry Potter so it should come soon.

I'm also waiting for Fox to let me split Die Hard 4.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you'll play Stardust when it is available...I am curious about that movie.