Away From Her was available so I booked it. The only other new movie available was Nancy Drew which I had 0% intention of playing. Waitress and A Mighty Heart are still in reserve if there isn't any big movies available next week. I thought Pirates 3 might come off since it's down to one screen but I guess the Silver City held it. Also, according to the booker Disney usually puts two weeks between a film coming off first run and being available to second run i.e. Western Film.
I expect Evan Almighty to come off soon as well as Licence to Wed. We'll play Evan, probably won't play Licence.
Ocean's Thirteen is down to one screen so it may come off soon. We'll definitely play it.
I am the poster who hs been waiting for Away From Her to come to Western Film and would you know it - I am away on vacation for 10 days starting on Friday. Murphy's law right? Guess I will wait for the DVD... sigh...
you HAVE to get license to wed!
It's funny, I had a thought yesterday that whomever was leaving comments about Away From Her would probably be on vacation!
Licence to Wed didn't get great reviews and isn't doing too well so I don't think we'll play it. It depends on when it comes off and what else is available. There's a few other films that did well that should be coming off soon.
I'd love to watch 'Waitress' if you could play that soon. Thanks!
Oh, and Ratatouille as well, please. :)
Please bring Waitress and Ratatouille to Western Film, pretty please! :)
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