Friday, June 01, 2007

Why did Disney do this?

For reasons unknown Disney recently renamed it's home video division to Disney Home Entertainment. Before that I believe it was Buena Vista, the name Disney uses for most of it's distribution.
The odd thing is that Disney has always tried to keep it's name off movies that didn't fit the wholesome kid friendly image it had. In 1984 they created Touchstone pictures specifically to release movies with more adult content and leave off the Disney name.
The reason this came to my attention was the upcoming release of Badder Santa on HiDef DVD for Christmas. Badder Santa is the even more naughty version of Bad Santa which starred Billy Bob Thornton as a foul mouthed, heavy drinking, department store Santa.
So now a movie called Badder Santa will be released under the Disney banner, how long before some unknowing parent sees Santa and Disney on the package and buys it and scares the crap out of a couple kids.

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