Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Dark Knight and other sequels

I received a press release from Warner Bros last week concerning the next Batman movie. It's going to be called the Dark Knight. Christian Bale will be returning as Batman. Christopher Nolan will be directing again and Heath Ledger will be playing the Joker. This sounds cool, Batman Begins was one of my favorite movies from last year.
I was looking at the list of upcoming releases and some of the sequels caught my attention.

Sept 22 -Jackass 2: I hate to admit I'm looking forward to this one. I'm one of those wackos that find Jackass really funny. I laughed more during the trailer for Jackass 2 than I have for entire movies. In my defense I find the stunts funny, not so much some of the gross out stuff they do. The bit in Jackass 1 with the papercuts I couldn't watch.

Oct 13 - The Grudge 2: Never saw the first one so can't really comment, hopefully it won't suck.

Oct 27 - Saw III: This could be interesting or bad. The first one was pretty novel, the second one was edging closer to formula horror movies but still had some twists.

Nov 3 - Santa Clause 3: I haven't seen the first 2 because I really dislike Tim Allen. I saw a trailer for the third one and I might have to go see it. Martin Short is playing Jack Frost, the villain. From the trailer it looks like he's really funny and perfect for the part.

Dec 1 - Van Wilder Deux: The rise of Taj. I was surprised to see this one on the list, never heard it was being made. It sounds like one of those desperate sequels. Van Wilder was really funny but a lot of it came from Ryan Reynolds. The second one is about his Indian assistant played by Kal Penn. Reynolds isn't even in it which means Van Wilder isn't either. On the other hand Kal Penn was really funny in the first movie so it may work.

Dec 22 - Rocky Balboa: No comment.

Jan 5 2007 White Noise 2: Why are they making a sequel to a Canadian Horror movie that didn't do all that well in the first place, or so I thought?

Feb 9 : Young Hannibal: about the early years of Hannibal Lector from Silence of the Lambs. Don't know much about this one but I'm assuming Anthony Hopkins will not be doing it.

Mar 23- Bean 2: Made mostly for overseas I would imagine but I'll see it.

May 4 - Spiderman 3: no words are necessary.

May 18th - Shrek The Third: First time I've heard the great title. Unless it's really bad all they need to do is open the doors and the cash registers will fill with money.

May 25 - Pirates 3: This is almost guaranteed to be a big hit just because the ending of part 2 was not there, it just kind of stopped.

Jun 22 - Evan Almighty:


Anonymous said...

Can Western Film show limited release movies if not in the other London theatres? I really want to see Little Miss Sunshine!

WesternFilm said...

Rainbow's Art series and The Hyland are considered first run so any limited movies usually go through there first. Limited movies take a while to go through the circuit since there are usually only a few prints. Little Miss Sunshine just opned in Toronto so it will be a while before it plays in London. Western Film picks up the ones we want to play after the First Run theatres since we are second run. We can only play fairly high profile ones or we get almost no one showing up. I noticed it's from Fox Searchlight who follows the same silly rules Fox does for bigger releases so it will most likely not play at Western Film. The First Run theatres may not even play it.

Reel Fanatic said...

That Jackass sequel is indeed gonna rock balls .. Since I had never seen the show, I wasn't too familiar with Jackass when my brother told me the first movie was easily one of the funniest things he had ever seen .. he was right