Friday, July 28, 2006

Unpredictable Hot Dogs

During the summer Western Film sells Hot Dogs because we are the only ones open at night and some people are looking for food more substantial than popcorn. Hot Dogs present a bit of a challenge. Each night we have to decide how many to put on. They take about 10 minutes to cook and if we are out a lot of people don't want to wait. We have to weigh several factors in deciding how many to start with at the beginning of the night. Just as an example of how unpredictable sales can be.
Most Tuesday we sell about 8 Hot Dogs. Last Tuesday we sold 17, a record. This Tuesday when one of my staff asked how many to put on I said 6. I didn't expect to sell 17 again but I did expect it to be busy.
Anyway to make a long story short, even though it was busier than last week we only sold 1 hot dog.


Anonymous said...

Can't believe I am writing to a film blog about hot dogs.

Is there some rule among movie theatre operators that hot dogs MUST be cooked on a hot dog grill?

Why not just microwave them - bun and all - takes 30 seconds. No fuss. No muss. Everyone is fresh. And no waste.

WesternFilm said...

Microwaving hot dogs is an interesting suggestion. I'm not sure if they would taste the same as on a grill. I'm not sure about the buns, from my experience bread/buns and mircrowaves don't mix very well.