There's two things at Western Film I would like to be able to remove. However it's nessecary to have both.
Diet Coke: This stuff is a pain because it comes out so foamy. It's a thick foam that doesn't settle quickly. If we fill a cup up once the foam settles the cup is only about half full. We end up wasting a lot trying to pour out the foam. It may not sound like a big deal but if we sell a lot of Diet Cokes it really slows us down.
The Butter: This stuff is just plain messy and gets all over everything. Seems like every time I put some on it manages to hit a popcorn kernal just right to spray back out. I tell all new staff to wear pants and shoes that can get messy. It's surprisingly expensive as well. A 9 litre jug is $50.00. I checked into serving real butter a while ago but it was even more expensive and I didn't think we would use it fast enough to keep it fresh. We stopped selling Nachos because we didn't use the cheese fast enough.
Maybe it is just me, but the butter has a sort of nutty taste and it really only coats the top pieces of popcorn so I wouldn't mind going without it. It is too bad the nachos didn't work out because that is definitely something I'd go for. Sometimes you get pretty hungry sitting in a theatre for 2 hours and popcorn just can't cut it!
I didn't want to stop selling nachos myself. I really like movie theatre style nachos. For the summer we're selling Hot Dogs. They are popular with hungry people since we are the only place open around here.
I agree with getting rid of the butter. My reason? I remember working in the UCC one night and on a round, I slipped on the floor it covered. I sprained my ankle & couldn't work during the next couple days.
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