I realized I hadn't posted my usual what and why I booked next week post. These movies started yesterday but I'll pretend that hasn't happened for the post.
This is one of the hardest weeks of the year to book. It all falls in Slack Week so I don't want to play anything the students want to see as most of them aren't here. For example if Juno had been available this week I would have said no. For this week I try to play films that is of more interest to adults and/or we've already played.
There were Three new movies available.
Cloverfield - I've been really undecided on playing this one. It had a lot of hype and was interesting. It really seemed to polarize people as to who liked it and who didn't. However the steep drops in grosses after the first weekend signify it might be one of those films that everyone who wanted to see it already has. In any case I wouldn't play it this week since the students aren't here. If I have an late show opening in the next couple weeks I might put it in. After There Will be Blood might work. The late show that week will be about 10pm since Blood is so long and Cloverfield is fairly short. (plus I kinda want to watch it again myself).
Untraceable- medium level thriller, wouldn't have done much here.
The Eye- horror, not something we play.

I thought of a few adult oriented films that we hadn't played. The first one I asked about was I'm Not There but there are no prints available for a couple weeks. The next one I asked about was Before The Devil Knows You're Dead which was available so I booked it in. This is a great little thriller with great performances. It suffers from a lack of awareness so I don't know how it will do. I find it odd that Philip Seymour Hoffman got nominated for Charlie Wilson's War when he did such a better job in Devil.

I was thinking of only playing one show next week since there was no obvious late show. However I wanted to play one to give the staff that are here full shifts. The staff that stayed behind want to work as much as possible this week while they have no school which I completely understand. I figured out once how much a late show needs to make to break even for weeks like this when I need to decide whether to run a late show. It comes up more in the summer. I looked at what we had already played and Sweeney Todd had done fairly well. I decided it would make enough to show for a second week so I booked it in.
27 Dresses should come off soon. Juno, No Country for Old Men, There will be Blood and Atonement should all be coming soon depending on how they do at the Oscars.